
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marx’s Theory of Class

Marx's definition of class. It's strengths and weaknesses. – Although the concept of class has a central importance in Marxist theory, Marx does not define it in a systematic form. Marx left this problem of producing a definition of the concept of social class until much later. The manuscript of the third volume of Capital breaks off at the moment when Marx was about to answer the question: ‘What constitutes a class? ‘ Even without his definition of class, one can reconstruct how the term is to be understood in his writings.In the Communist Manifesto, Marx presents us with a theory of world history as a succession of class struggles for economic and political power. The main classes of pre-capitalist societies are stated as: ‘freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman'1. But the dominant theme of Western society is the conflict between the exploiting bourgeoisie and the exploited proletariat. Thus it is the class str ucture of early capitalism, and the class struggles of this form of society, which constituted the main reference point for the Marxist theory of history.This is asserted by the Communist Manifesto's famous phrase, that ‘the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of all class struggles'2. The history of ‘civilized' society, for Marx, has been the history of different forms of class exploitation and domination. It is the form of class domination present which determines the general character of the whole social structure. For example, the growing of wheat using traditional, non-mechanical techniques is compatible with a wide range of social relations of production.A Roman citizen often owned slaves who worked his land growing wheat; a feudal lord would seize the surplus wheat grown by the serf on the lands; the early capitalist farmers began to employ landless laborers to do their manual work for a wage which was less than the total value of the product w hich they created. In each case, wheat is grown on land by the labor of men and women, but the social arrangements are totally different. There are totally different class relationships, leading to totally different forms of society: ancient, feudal, and capitalist.The one thing that unites these three arrangements is that in each case a minority class rules and takes the surplus away from the producers. Each society, says Marx, embodies class exploitation based on the relationships of production, or rather, the modes of production. The key to understanding – 2 – a given society is to discover which is the dominant mode of production within it. The basic pattern of social and political relationships can then be known. Since Marx concentrates his attention on the class structure of capitalist societies, it is only proper to follow him.As stated before, the key classes in the capitalist mode of production are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, or capitalists and landle ss wage laborers. While Marx recognizes that there are other classes, the fundamental class division is between this pairing of the exploiter and the exploited. The bourgeoisie derive their class position from the fact that they own productive wealth. It is not their high income that makes them capitalists, but the fact that they own the means of production.For example, the inputs necessary for production – factories, machines, etc. The ability of workers to work (labor power) is in itself a marketable commodity bought for the least cost to be used at will by the capitalist. In addition, the capitalist owns the product and will always pocket the difference between the value of the labor and the value of the product – referred to by Marx as ‘surplus value' – purely by virtue of his ownership. His property rights also allow the capitalist the control of the process of production and the labor he buys.The proletariat in contrast, owns no means of production. Because of this exploitation, Marx viewed the bourgeoisie and the proletariat as locked in deep and unavoidable conflict. As capitalism expanded, the conflict would become more intense as the condition of the workers became worse. Over time, some members of the proletariat would come to understand their unfair position and would begin to communicate with each other. This would enable them to organize and overthrow the capitalist system.The revolution would pave the way for a new socialist system that would abolish private ownership of the means of production. This forms the basis of Marx's theory of class, and with further discussion, the complexities will present themselves. This two class model is not Marx's only use of the word ‘class'. He uses the term of other economic groups, and particularly of the petty or petite bourgeoisie and the peasants. These groups seem to make the neat division of the Communist Manifesto inapplicable, for these two – 3 – roups obv iously merge into bourgeoisie and the proletariat according to how many workers they employ or how much land they own. Marx even foresaw, with increased use of machinery and the increase of service industries, the advent of a new middle class. This raises two main questions. The first concerns the complications of social stratification in relation to the basic classes.In the fragment on ‘three great classes of modern society' in Capital III, Marx observes that even England, where the economic structure is ‘most highly and classically developed†¦ m]iddle and intermediate strata even here obliterate lines of demarcation everywhere'3 Even though this observation does not fit easily with the idea of an increasing polarization of bourgeois society between ‘two great classes', Cole explains how Marx: regard[ed] the blurring of class divisions as a matter of secondary importance, influential   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  in shaping the course of particular phases a nd incidents of the fundamental class struggle,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  but incapable of altering its essential character or its ultimate outcome. And] in the long   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  run the forces making for polarisation were bound to come into play more and more as the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  difficulties of Capitalism increased: so that the decisive class-struggle between capitalists   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and proletarians could be delayed, but by no means averted or changed in its essential   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  character by the emergence of any new class. 4 Even so, Cole asks for a ‘critique' of Marx in light of todays circumstances, questioning the validity of this statement. The second question concerns the situation and development of two principal classes in capitalist society, bourgeoisie and proletariat.In The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Marx gave this negative definition of a fully constituted class: In so far a s millions of families live under economic conditions of existence that seperate   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  their mode of life, their interests and their culture from those of the other classes, and put   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  them in hostile opposition to the latter, they form a class. In so far as there is merely a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  local interconnection among these small-holding peasants, and the identity of their   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  interests begets no community, no national bond and no political organisation among   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  them, they do not form a class5 4 – In the Poverty of Philosophy, describing the emergence of the working class, Marx expressed the same idea in positive terms: Economic conditions had first transformed the mass of the people of the country into   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  workers. The combination of capital has created for this mass a common situation,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  co mmon interests. This mass is thus already a class as against capital, but not yet for   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  itself. In the struggle, of which we have noted only a few phases, this mass becomes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  united, and constitutes itself as a class for itself. The interests it defends becomes class   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  interests. 6Most Marxists have recognized, that in the case of the working class, the development of a ‘socialist' or ‘revolutionary' consciousness poses problems which require more careful and thorough study. ‘Class interest' itself is no longer conceived, as it was in general by Marx, as an objective and unambiguous ‘social fact', but rather as having a sense which is constructed through interaction and discussion out of the experiences of everyday life and the interpretations of those experiences. This is further illustrated by Bottomore's belief that an investigation into the ‘development of soci al classes' would have to attend to three problems.First, the ‘consequences for the class structure, and especially for the polarization of classes, of the rapid increase in productivity and in the size of the surplus, and the concomitant growth of the middle classes'7 Bottomore states that how Marx defined the middle class, are the individuals who ‘live from' surplus value, but also ‘assist in the realization and distribution of the surplus'. Marx foresaw the growing number of the middle class, and as a result, the declining number of working class. This would seem to strengthen the bourgeois making the transformation to a classless society more difficult.Through Marx's own analysis, Bottomore says that the transition might not occur at all; thus, resulting in a type of society unlike the socialist society emerging from capitalism. Or, transformation brought about differently, from what Marx predicted, resulting in the classless society. ‘The nature of the s ocial conflict that would then bring about the breakdown of capitalism and the creation of a socialist society remains unclear, and is not discussed by Marx. ‘8 – 5 – The second problem concerns the ‘various cultural and political influences' which are a factor in the evolution of the revolutionary class consciousness.Marx, in early writings, emphasizes positive influences for this development such as: introduction of new technology (resulting in the displacement of workers to further the revolution), the reserve army of labor, the advent of the factory (resulting in concentration of workers creating a collective situation – class consciousness)9 But also negative influences such as: ‘dominant position of ruling-class ideas, the effects of social mobility, the growth of the middle classes. '10 Bottomore then states that national or ethnic consciousness is very important; one of the powerful influences that Marx neglected.The second influence is that of the increasing social differentiation in modern societies which breaks down the working-class consciousness to strengthen the middle class. In other words, increasing the number of middle class while decreasing the number of working class; a negative influence on revolutionary class consciousness. The last problem asks what conditions are necessary beyond the abolition of classes and private property in the means of production, in order to establish what Marx referred to as socialism.Marx wrote about the advancement of science and how it could be used to abolish scarcity to meet human needs. As a result, man would be free from those labors in order to pursue their human potential. Beyond all of this, what Bottomore is implying is the further study of Marx's political theory. Concentrating on the interaction between the development of production, emergence of new human needs, development of a political consciousness, and the creation of organizations to take part in a politi cal struggle. Regrettably, this political theory, like the theory of class, can only be examined through fragments of Marx's work.Another way of looking at Marx's theory of class is how Elster attempts to define class in terms of property, exploitation, market behavior, and power. Elster claims that Marx's ‘class' is frequently defined as ‘a group of persons who stand in the same relation of property or non- property to the factors of production, that is labor-power and means of production. '11 By using this definition, the words ‘property' and ‘non-property' are too restrictive or too open. There is a – 6 – need to distinguish between property owners but then the question arises, to what degree?This is also evident when using exploitation as a basis of defining class. As Elster puts it: ‘[t]he proposal is too coarse-grained if it locates all exploiters in one class and all exploited agents in another [and] too fine grained if classes are to be distinguished in terms of the degree of exploitation†¦. ‘infinite fragmentation' of classes. '12 In terms of the third proposal, defining class in terms of market behavior, Elster states that it is not useful in the study of non-market economies. Furthermore, ‘the proposal overemphasizes actual behavior and neglects its causal grounding in the endowment structure. 13 Basically, he is referring to choice. In Marx's view, the wage laborer has no choice in who to work for and for how much. The reasoning behind this is that the capitalist (though needing workers) can employ any individual he chooses. Elster says that class is defined by what one has to do, not what one actually does. So, for example, a wage laborer decides to work in a factory just for the pure joy of doing so. This individual should be put in a different class from the wage laborer who has to work in the factory. 14 Elster's final proposal is the aspect of power in defining class.To Marx, power r elationships are built into the very structure of society, whose principal feature is the existence of opposed classes. Thus, class domination and subordination are central to Marxist conception of politics and the distribution and operation of power. Power to Marx, is class power. In other words, it is a resource that is concentrated in the hands of a particular class, which that class can use to maintain and enhance its dominant position in society, a position achieved by economic exploitation. Elster says: ‘[t]he definition of class in terms of domination and subordination is too behavioral and insufficiently structural.By this I mean that the classes of the upper and lower managers are defined only by what they actually do, not – as in the case of capitalists and workers – by what they must do by virtue of what they have. ‘ – a reference back to Elster's third proposal. What Elster reveals are some of the more obvious problems inherent in Marx's theory of class. But all of this can still be referred to in past context. Clearly, the question that needs to be – 7 – asked is: can Marx's analysis be applicable today? It is obvious that there are some serious problems in Marx's account.Revolution has occurred in nations on the verge of entry into capitalism, not in societies which are mature and ‘ripe' for change. The working class in capitalist societies has enjoyed, in the long term, a rise in the standard of living, and labor movements have won enough welfare concessions to ease many of the poor. By no means all Western societies have strong Communist parties. In addition, the growth of the middle class of managerial and professional workers appears to contradict Marx's view that divisions among those without wealth would disappear.Western economies are open to crises, but the state seems able to keep them in check. Generally, then, Marx's ideas seem to many people to have been disproved by twentieth centu ry developments. However, this is a limited view. The real issues are firstly whether Marx's general perspective on stratification was sound, and secondly, whether contemporary Western societies are still capitalists in the general basic character of their social relations. The first issue is important because Marx provides an account of stratification which is significantly different from that of many other social theorists.Very often today, sociologists see classes as merely groupings of people with similar attributes such as income, type of occupation, and so on. Marx, on the other hand, saw classes as systematically linked in a particular structure of social relationships. An explanation of inequality is given through the analysis of the mode of production. Marx points out the deeper class relations and potential conflicts below the surface of society. This strength, however, is seen as a problem by many sociologists. They argue that Marx's class analysis is too simplistic to ac count adequately for the complexity of social inequality.For them, Marx's emphasis on the ownership of productive wealth leaves us unable to explain adequately all the differences in consciousness within the mass of the population who are not capitalists. Quite clearly, the Western economies are vastly changed today in comparison with Marx's time. There is far more economic intervention by the state in most societies of the West, and state employees of one kind or another form a large part of the work force. Nationalization and the – 8 – frequent replacement of individual owner or managers by shareholders and managerial bureaucracies have both changed the structure of industry.However, it can still be argued that private ownership of the means of production is the basis of economic power and wealth, and that the labor market is still the prime determinant of wage levels. The worker is still in a subordinate position in the work place, and the incomes of workers are sti ll very low in comparison with those who control them. Other interpretations are possible: it is commonly argued, for example, that the West has a mixed economy which works in everyone's interest, but others would still consider Western economies as capitalist.This brings us back to Marx's Capital III. It is clear that there are many aspects of Marx's theory of class which are not discussed in this essay; the theory is multifaceted. One still wonders what Marx would describe in his last work. Would it have been in the same terms as he had used thirty years before? Or would he have recognized, in this gap, the vitally important changes in the class structure of the modern societies of today, and that these changes were, to some extent, different from what he anticipated to occur? This question remains unanswered.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

DEP GARD Case Study Essay

When reviewing the Supply Chain design for DEP/GARD, there are various stages which add value, and some which fail to add value. Looking at figure 1. below, you will see the diagram outlining the supply chain value stream enabling DEP to delivery product to GARD. Areas which fail to add value, and have the potential to erode DEP’s ability to remain a valued supplier for GARD include the following: 1. Failure to utilize LEAN manufacturing principles causing DEP to carry excess inventory: Inventory shortages which caused shutdowns leading to DEP to abandon LEAN principals look to be primarily driven by a lack of structured supplier management. Suppliers of key raw materials were selected based solely on price, with DEP neglecting the critical service component of their supplier’s delivery capabilities. This lack of consistent and reliable delivery required DEP to carry excess safety stock, increasing their inventory carrying costs, and reducing the ability to produce on a JIT basis. 2. Manual order receipt and handling process: Orders are placed via fax and phone to the marketing and sales department, at which time orders are manually entered into the order information system. Lost faxes, order entry personnel entering an order incorrectly, or even being distracted by another priority leading to failure to enter the order at all; these are all potential failures by not having a more up to date, automated ordering processes with their customers. 3. Inconsistent timeline to complete pick, pack, and ship process at the distribution warehouse: There is a three day variation in the time it takes for an order to leave the warehouse once it is received from manufacturing. Without additional details, I cannot comment on the cause for this long time fence, however from a high level overview, I’m using the assumption that the warehouse follows generally a similar process to perform their tasks to enable final shipment, thus a 3 day variation in the time it takes to complete these tasks seem to degrade value. 4. Twice-a-week delivery options for customers within 200 miles of DEP: This appears to show a lack of flexibility on the part of DEP in terms of delivery capabilities to local customers. Assuming a Tuesday and Thursday delivery schedule, and order that is ready to ship late Thursday (possibly missing the fleet truck leaving the warehouse), now will not ship until Tuesday the following week, adding three business days to the total performance cycle to the order. Stages which are value added: 1. Same day movement of produced finished goods to warehouse 2. Utilization of DEP fleet trucks to make deliveries to short distance customers Figure 1. Upon reviewing the primary suppliers of polymer feedstock for DEP, specifically the suppliers awarded with 60% of the volume, I am able to calculate a maximum performance cycle of 25 days to deliver product to GARD. Assuming inventory is NOT available for some reason requiring an order from polymer suppliers, the longest lead time to receive polymer is 9 days from the 60% suppliers. To receive, process, and produce the material for the customer order, you then add 8 days, as this is the longest production cycle time. Orders are sent to the warehouse, prepared for shipping, and another 6 days may elapse before the order is actually shipped. Using the assumption that GARD is within the 200 mile radius, the longest time that delivery may take place based on twice a week deliveries is 2 days. This gives us a total of 25 days. Vice versa, when looking at the minimum performance cycle for this total supply chain, I calculated a 10 day cycle. DEP has abandoned LEAN principles and stores 7 days’ worth of inventory on hand at all times. Based on this, my assumption is that inventory is immediately available to begin production of the customer order. DEP has a minimum production time of 6 days from receipt and processing of the order to completed production. Material is immediately moved to the warehouse and prepared for shipment. This process takes a minimum of 3 days to complete and ship the order. Similar to my assumption used in calculation of the maximum performance cycle, I assume GARD is within the 200 mile radius. I’m also using the assumption that DEP can make deliveries on the day an order is processed and ready for shipment, provided the order is prepared in sufficient time, thus giving a 1 day shipping time in a best case scenario. This calculates to a 10 day minimum performance cycle. Looking at the total supply chain, it is possible to improve the consistency of the performance cycle; however, due to the fact that the production process from order receipt to finished product takes 3-6 days, the minimum performance cycle could not be improved. By simply switching to primary use of the 25% and  15% polymer suppliers, there would be opportunity to receive several of the raw materials in as low as 2 days, however if DEP were to shift back to a JIT process, this would simply add two days to the overall current minimum performance cycle (currently, inventory is already on hand), instead of improving the cycle time. For products E and F, the minimum lead time is 4 days, still negating opportunity for improvement. Automated ordering systems (online, vendor managed inventory, etc) would allow for a more consistent process and reduce opportunities for manual failure on the part of DEP, to theoretically narrow the gap from the current 3-6 days to produce finished product from the time of order placement. Similarly, shifting to a delivery cycle of daily shipments for customers within 200 miles would also reduce variability in delivery times. If I were Tom Lippet in this scenario, there are several changes I would make, some of which I have touched on previously. Current inventory strategies may not be the most optimal in terms of cost, however Tom’s concern is of service to GARD, as pricing is already in line with market competitors. Based on this and due to the variability in supply time consistency from polymer raw material suppliers, I would not make any changes to inventory strategies. However, due to the variability in the time it takes to produce product from the time of order, as well as the variability in the time it takes to process an order for shipment at the warehouse, I would work with supply chain leadership to request a detailed value stream map of the entire internal supply chain process, to highlight the key areas causing such variability and work to implement improvement strategies to shorten these times on a consistent basis. In terms of shipping, I again would work with supply chain leadership to analyze the cost-benefit impact of either moving to ta daily delivery route with the DEP truck fleet, or look at the opportunity to supplement utilizing common carriers where DEP trucks are unable to delivery in the shortest time window possible. In order to â€Å"sell† Richard Binish on DEP’s capabilities to deliver consistently within the service level criteria now required by GARD, I would highlight critical improvements being implemented by DEP to better align capabilities with Richards service requirements from key suppliers. Obviously, price is a common qualifying criteria component, and I would need to ensure that these improvements made within DEP’s supply design did not raise costs to the point of eroding  margin or requiring a price increase to the level of pricing ourselves out of the GARD business. Product quality is also critical, but we already know that DEP product is in line with competitors in terms of quality, thus making it somewhat of a â€Å"commodity† product. Price and service will be the critical components. I will need to visually show demonstrated improvement in delivery service since these improvements were implemented as compared to historical service to GARD. Assuming that these improvements were successful, there theoretically should be a much higher demonstrated performance level within a tighter service window. In closing, Supply Chain management plays a critical role in the overall commercial success of a business. Setting proper service expectations and maintaining levels within that range is critical to maintaining share with key customers. Analyzing gaps in those performance expectations from a customer against actual capabilities, and actively working to close the gaps should be an ongoing process.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Federalist Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Federalist Paper - Essay Example Indeed, people have the power to influence future course of actions and contribute to the formation of new political equation. The social change is critical paradigm that accelerates political transformation, introducing new mechanisms of establishing more effective democratic values and processes. People become the agent of changes and their empowered decisions pave way to radical equations of socio-economic and political compulsions. Jay fears that the confederacies of the Union would not be able to restrain invasions from the outside but federal structure, thus envisaged, would be more effective because of its dual nature. The confederacies would be able to focus on development of their people and region while the wider policies of defense etc. would be the responsibility of the federal Union of America. People would be able to enjoy the fundamental rights and would help create new channels of development and establish government that is committed to the welfare of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An Epistemic Defense of the Blogosphere Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Epistemic Defense of the Blogosphere - Article Example Goldman is one of them. In the given paper we will evaluate the statement of Alvin Goldman and his opponent David Coady. In order to understand the position of Goldman, it is necessary to recollect his approach to knowledge and the truth. He states that the information people read in blogs lacks evidences. Goldman criticizes the post modernistic directions in epistemology. He defines an interesting approach to the notion of truth. According to Goldman, the truth should be verified by the evidences. He applies mathematics working out the basics for generic social practices. He uses the Bayes theorem, which states about the probability of the event A only if the event B took place. The application of the theorem by Goldman states about the probability of the event (A=X) if there is an evidence B, which testifies that X happened. Thus, everything should be verified, and before talking about something a person should possess the definite degree of knowledge about it. And blogging in its turn usually lacks this necessary degree of knowledge in comparison with traditional media. Thus, Goldman is afraid that journalism as a serious profession is disappearing due to blogging. His thoughts on the topic are clearly stated in his work The Social Epistemology of Blogging. â€Å"For the acquisition of knowledge to occur, it isn’t sufficient that there be a free press that publishes or broadcasts the relevant truths. It is equally critical that members of the public receive and believe those truths. If truths are published but not read, or published and read but not believed, the public won’t possess the information (or knowledge) that is important for making correct decisions† (Goldman, p. 3). David Coady is one of the critics of Goldman’s opinion about blogging. He states that there is no significant difference between conventional media and blogging. He considers blogging to be just electronic reflection of traditional media.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Blood Diamonds Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Blood Diamonds - Research Paper Example (Gavin, 14) Conflict diamonds are sold in order to raise money for armed conflict weapons and civil wars. Profits from this trade are worth billions of dollars. This profit is used by warlords to purchase firearms during the rebel wars. Countries affected include Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone. These wars have resulted to an estimated 3.7 million deaths. (Storm,26) Although the wars are now over and fighting rate has declined, the con of blood diamonds still persists. The diamonds mined in this rebel- held zones reach the international diamond market by, smuggling the diamonds into neighboring countries and exporting them into the international diamond market, as a legitimate diamond trade. The hullabaloo surrounding conflict diamonds was reported in the 1990s. During this period, there were civil wars in Sierra Leone, Angola, Liberia and the Republic of Congo. The world realized the harm of conflict diamonds during the extreme conflict in Sierra Leone in the late 1990s. In the 1990s, blood diamonds made about 4% of the international diamond market as reported by the World Diamond Council’s Website. Two memorable events to control the diamond market took place during the late 1990s. Firstly Robert Fowler the Canadian Ambassador to Angola published a debatable report. This report listed all the countries involved with blood diamond trade. The report alarmed international organizations and made them aware of the illegal diamond trade that was going on. This response triggered the second memorable event. Kimberly Process Certification Scheme is a system which aims to regulate the diamond trade. This ensures the diamonds going through the process must be labeled as conflict free. The source and ownership of the diamonds need to be validated.(Bieri, 45) Kimberly Process Certification Scheme is supported by the United Nations, governments and non- governmental organizations. This scheme aims to eliminate the trade of black

International business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International business environment - Essay Example As companies expand into greener pastures around the world depending on the specialisation, expertise or even business opportunities available to them, local cultures, local politics and the economies of host countries can become problems which have to be dealt with. This means that there are new issues which must be addressed by managers who can now be called on to create company wide policies as well as region based policies which affect the people working in London as much as they affect employees working in other parts of the globe. This problem is actually at the heart of the globalisation of business and the solution demands the creation new world order for business where we move towards a combination of cultures that represent us as humans. A company wide policy manual can be used as a document which sets up the culture of the company even as an isolated bubble in a place where the outside culture is totally different. However, this must be done carefully because this could also be dangerous as going with policies which are against local cultures can create bitterness and even a loss of the company’s human capital. GE was one such company which experienced these issues when they setup their operations across Eastern Europe and tried to revamp their business in Ukraine, Hungary and Albania. As reported by Welch (2005) GE faced several difficulties in political, cultural and economic terms which made it difficult to export their American brand of competitiveness to Eastern Europe (Welch, 2005). GE is the parent company of eleven technology, services and finance businesses with more than 300,000 employees spread across 160 countries. Even though the company is large, their values and actions, recruitment process and even the methods of rewarding employees remain more or less the same across the board. GE deals with computers, jet engines, power plants, capital services, plastics, illumination equipment,

Friday, July 26, 2019

See below Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

See below - Research Paper Example This piece of research paper addresses human resource development in relation to the human resource perspectives and theories and analyzes how this is different in two major companies with different environment and core technologies. This paper identifies Hewlett Packard and Nestle as the two major companies with quite different environments and attempts to find how these two companies modeled and structured its human resource development practices and strategies. Human Resource Development According to Blanchard and Thacker (2007, p. 29), Human Resource Development plays vital role in improving the effectiveness of an organization by providing employees with knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) that in turn can enhance their current as well as future job performance. Human resource development is thus a broad term that includes training, development and coaching to the employees of an organization in order them to learn, grow and adjust with various workplace related issues. As men tioned earlier, due to a number of ever-changing business contexts like technology, workplace changes etc, workers are to cope with all such changes and related issues. This is one of the main reasons why people in an organization need training and development. Training, development and any other program that is essentially a part of Human Resource Development help people in the organization become high performing workers, highly productive and thus to help the organization become highly profitable as well as highly competitive in the market as well. Blanchard and Thacker (2007, p. 29) explained what happen if knowledge, skills and abilities are not considered as important and employees are trained or developed to improve these areas. If new KSAs are not seen relevant, they won’t get converted to employees’ jobs and this will cause nothing more than wastage of the available resources. Effective training and developmental programs can meet needs of both employees and or ganization. Werner and DeSimone (2008, p. 4) defined Human Resource Development as â€Å"a set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills to meet current and future job demands†. Gaining new knowledge, learning new methods of performing the jobs, understanding easier ways to do the current or future jobs, developing these knowledge and skills to perform them are at the core of human resource development. Workplace learning and performance has recently become an extremely important human resource concern. As human resource management focuses on workplace learning and its integral part, namely knowledge management, the Human Resource Development program aims to develop the knowledge, skills, expertise, abilities, productivity and satisfaction of the people in the organization. Human Resource Development has recently evolved to be a management strategy that, with the title HRM, makes in dividuals sound almost like the nuts and bolts of an organization that can be interchanged and dispensed with at will (Wilson, 2005, p.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Theodore Roosevelt's philosophy of government and the programs of his Term Paper

Theodore Roosevelt's philosophy of government and the programs of his administration - Term Paper Example These images have been a long time inspiration to both the normal and disabled individuals in the country. This inspiration rather provided them more than the want to be something or at least someone who is worth the life that they were given, it also pushed them to work harder for their country. This was a very important piece of inspirational motivation to the people during the mid-20th century. Basically, people then were undergoing a huge series of social turmoil given the fact that they were passing through times of economic great depression and that of the second world war, when for so many colonies of imperialist countries such as Spain, America stood to be one of the independent giving bodies who continuously push for the establishment of democracy in the world. Yes, in physical approach, Theodore Roosevelt may have been perceived to be weak, but with the strategic utilization of his mind powers and the cooperation that the American people were readily able to provide him as support to his governance and his administrational platform that he would like to apply not only for the better standing of his own country but also for the recovery of those other government administrations of smaller countries to whom he and his administration has given independence to. 2 One of the peak issues during Theordore Roosevelt’s Presidency in America was that of the great depression that paved way to huge unemployment issues and less finances to use for the basic needs of the people. Through the establishment of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), President Roosevelt was rather able to create the necessary programs needed to produce a more systematic way of differing the situations of the country from the downfall that it is expected to face as the years of great depression was ready to take part of. The institution of this approach to the great depression provided a more instituting system that gives a chance to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Report - Assignment Example ly reduce its cost burden and be reflected in affordable prices that will act as a competitive measure against other global corporations (Wintzer 56). In regard to its quarterly performance snapshots, it is advisable that the firm would enjoy competitive advantage by diversifying in terms of its products. This would significantly cushion it against loses from other products due to tastes and seasonal demand disparities. There is seemingly a regional difference in terms of revenue and costs which can majorly be attributed to tax policies and other government regulations. For this firm to remain competitive and command greater market size in year 11, the management needs to reorganize its regional inventory size (Wintzer 96). This would mean that the company concentrate much of its sales effort to developed economies but shift much of its value creation processes in developing economies with cheap labor and raw materials. The global performance overview indicates positive outcome in terms of the firm’s shares pricing. This sets a good pace for overall rating of the firm in comparison to its other competitors. It would only be advisable that the company focus on more equity financing than debt financing to boost its security and restore faith of the shareholders thereby competing favorably with other companies in the industry in year

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Geologic Time Scale Tourism Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geologic Time Scale Tourism Project - Essay Example The period Permian which ended roughly 252 million years ago marked the end of the Palezonic era. It was immediately preceded by the Triassic period and immediately followed by the Carboniferous period. Evidence of the Permian period has been found in eastern part of Imperial Russia. During the Permian period the supercontinent (Pangea) was formed as different land masses joined together to form a single unit. The formation of Pangea occurred over a long period of time and ended with collision between Siberia-Kazakhstania, Laurasia, and China as noted by Kazlev (2002). With the formation of one landmass, there water masses correspondingly joined to form one massive ocean called Panthalassa. As the supercontinent formed, the sea level dropped and warm shallow seas that existed at the time reduced in extent (Gradstein, Ogg & Smith, 2004). The supercontinent that was so formed took the shape of a giant pacman. The mouth of the â€Å"pacman† faced east, enclosing part of the ocean to form a smaller sea. A sea called the Tethys covered a major part of what now constitutes Central and Southern Europe. The Zechstein sea which covered present time Europe was an extremely salty inland sea that existed in the Permian period. The extremely salty conditions that prev ailed near and around the Zechstein sea only allowed a few plant species to thrive, mainly bivalves and brachiopods (Kazlev, 2002). Apart from the establishment of the supercontinent, super-ocean, and salty seas, the Permian period saw the establishment of a groups of mountains as a result of plate tectonics. During the Uralian Orogeny, for example, the Ural Mountains were formed as the Siberian plat Kazakhstania and Pangaea collided (Gradstein, Ogg & Smith, 2004). At the beginning of the Permian era, the climate was extremely cold and many parts of the earth was covered in ice. However, the formation of Pangaea brought with it extreme climate and environmental changes owing to

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Primal Teen Essay Example for Free

The Primal Teen Essay The purpose of Barbara Strauch’s book, The Primal Teen: What the New Discoveries About the Teenage Brain Tell Us About Our Kids, is to describe the new scientific findings regarding the teen brain in order to help bewildered parents, teachers and other members of society to understand the irrational behavior of teenagers.   The book fulfills its purpose by relating this experience of bewilderment to scientific discoveries that reveal that teenagers are truly not at fault; rather, it is the teen brain that is going through changes that were not understood in the past. As a matter of fact, the scientific discoveries discussed in the book happen to be its main strength.   This is because readers cannot refute the scientific discoveries, even as parents who have misunderstood their teenage kids and believed them to be difficult may change their opinions about their kids after reading the book.   Moreover, the book describes various experiences of parents that the readers, who are parents, may easily relate to. By discussing the scientific discoveries in relation to the parents’ experiences, the book allows parents of teenage kids to easily change their misconceptions about their kids.   If The Primal Teen had described scientific findings about the teen brain without relating them to real experiences of parents, perhaps most parents without a scientific background would have shunned the contents of the book altogether.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But, The Primal Teen does not just help the parents of teenagers thus.   In point of fact, it helps all readers to understand the topics more fully by relating scientific findings to real life experiences.   All adults are cognizant of the typical relationships between parents and teenagers.   Still, the book reminds them of these relationships, for example, by relating the experience of a mother whose thirteen year old son refused to obey the rule at the school dance. The boy seemed to refuse to understand the consequences of his behavior.   But, Strauch explains that the boy was truly not at fault, given that the prefrontal cortex of the teen brain is under development.   It is the prefrontal cortex that allows individuals to know the consequences of their actions and helps them to plan ahead.   This is the reason why the parents of the thirteen year old should have understood that their kid simply could not help doing what he did.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I would definitely recommend the book to parents of teenagers who mistakenly believe that their teenage kids are complete adults even though they are not.   Even adults who have experienced disturbing teenage years should be asked to read the book.   I am certainly better off by having read the book.   It helps me to understand my own teenage experiences.   I have made plenty of irrational decisions during teenage years.   Furthermore, I have experienced conflicts in my relationships because of my own irrational behavior during teenage years. The Primal Teen helps me to forgive myself.   What is more, it helps me to forgive the friends I had in my teenage years for their irrational behavior.   I remember taking their behavior very seriously at the time.   The Primal Teen is very helpful because it allows the reader to understand that teenagers are kids even if their bodies are those of adults.

Ms maudie article Essay Example for Free

Ms maudie article Essay Ms maudie article BY 990 Fire Destroys House Miss Maudie Atkinsons house was destroyed in a deadly fire on December 1 5th. The first snowfall had fallen for the first time since 1885. School was cancelled for the day and the kids spent their day playing outside and building snowmen. Early the next morning, at about 1:00 a. m. , the neighborhood was ablaze. Everyone rushed outside to find Miss Maudies house on fire. The men of the neighborhood rushed to help get Miss Maudie and some of her precious items out. Shortly after, the fire truck arrived but the hose burst because it was too cold. Mr. Avery was saving items from the upstairs when the stairs burned out and he had to climb out the window. He fell into Miss Maudies bushes. The fire became too ferocious to keep saving furniture so the men started backing away. The Abbottsville Fire Truck appeared shortly to put out the blaze. Even though her house had burned down, Miss Maudie was quoted saying that: IVe always wanted to build a smaller house. Now I have the chance too. The cause of the fire was because Miss Maudie started a fire in the kitchen to warm up. No one was hurt in the fire except for Mr. Avery, who is going to be a little sore for a while, and Miss Maudies azaleas. Welcome to MathPortal. This web site owner is mathematician MiloS Petrovit. I designed this web site and wrote all the lessons, formulas and calculators. If you want to contact me, probably have some question write me using the contact form or email me on

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Benzodiazepines For Therapy The Benefits And The Dangers Biology Essay

Benzodiazepines For Therapy The Benefits And The Dangers Biology Essay The benzodiazepine family of drugs is a complex group of substances that have garnered controversy and attention from the media since they broke onto the medical scene in 1957 (Center for Substance Abuse Research, 2005). As with other drugs, more and more people began to use benzodiazepines and negative side effects such as addiction and withdrawal eventually were revealed. (Ashton, 2005, p. 249). Benzodiazepines, however, should not be looked at with a negative connotation. They are relevant and useful medically when used and prescribed responsibly and dependence does not occur (Center for Substance Abuse Research, 2005). Benzodiazepines have both positive and negative aspects that must be examined to form a fair opinion about the drug, its uses and effects. So, what exactly is a benzodiazepine? They are defined by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (2008) as: Any of a class of drug used as antianxiety agents, muscle relaxants, sedatives, hypnotics, and sometimes as anticonvulsants. Under the Controlled Substance Act they are classified as a Schedule IV drug (Benzodiazepines). When someone takes a medication that is a benzodiazepine, they may encounter symptoms such as slurred speech, confusion, feelings of fatigue, and gastrointestinal upset. There are many varieties of benzodiazepines used and prescribed today. These include more popularly known medicines such as Xanax, Valium, and Rohypnol. These substances work as depressants in the body, accounting for their sedative effects (Center for Substance Abuse Research, 2005). When talking about benzodiazepines, it is important to know that no two benzodiazepines are created equally. They are prescribed for different reasons that will be addressed later and present a variety of withdrawal symptoms when dependence occurs. They can be taken in a pill form, shot into the blood stream using a needle, and some can even be taken sublingually. Finally, benzodiazepines are split into two groups: those that are short-acting and those that are long-acting. The latter will linger for much longer in the body (Center for Substance Abuse Research, 2005). The first benzodiazepine was created in a laboratory by scientist Leo Sternback. It was not until nearly thirty years later in the 1950s, that benzodiazepines were marketed for medical use as an anti-anxiety medication (Center for Substance Abuse Research, 2005). Research of the drug created new medications for new uses which grew until the 1970s. By then, benzodiazepines topped every other group of drugs in the world, in the times that it was prescribed. Even though prescriptions have trailed off since then, over-prescription is still seen as troubling to many (Ashton, 2005, p. 249). Benzodiazepines pose benefits for a variety of ailments and disorders. First, they are useful hypnotics for individuals who suffer from insomnia. Like with nearly all cases of benzodiazepine prescription, they should only be taken for a small period of time, with one month being the longest. Benzodiazepines can help with anxiety as well. It should be carefully considered by the doctor that the patient has severe anxiety that is disrupting their life. Again, this should be for the short period of time because benzodiazepines can be highly addictive (Benzodiazepines, 1997). People who have intense panic attacks or strong phobias that are not eased by other methods could be candidates for benzodiazepine prescription (Ashton, 2005, p. 250). Another benefit is that benzodiazepines have been shown to drastically relieve muscle spasms that are caused by epilepsy (Benzodiazepines, 1997). For example, the Epilepsy Foundation of America endorses the use of Valium for emergency, ongoing seizures. It is the gold standard in this situation because Valium is able to go through the blood-brain barrier in a short period of time, saving lives and decreasing the risk of brain damage in the patient (Medicines for Epilepsy). These properties are also useful for people who maybe be going through alcohol withdrawal, where convulsions are a possible risk factor (Ashton, 2005, p. 250). The most important factor when discussing benzodiazepines is having control over the substance. Benzodiazepines stop being beneficial when the patient has to exceed their dosage in quantity or length of time, or they are used no longer for a medical purpose. For example, an individual who uses a benzodiazepine for recreational use, or to help them unwind is not using the drug properly. This can lead to negative effects of the drugs such as addiction, dependence, and losing effectiveness of the drug (Benzodiazepines, 1997). In her article, The Diagnosis and Management of Benzodiazepine Dependence, (2005) Heather Ashton writes Present criteria for substance dependence include tolerance, escalation of dosage, continued use despite efforts to stop and knowledge of adverse effects, other behavioural features, and a withdrawal symptom. Benzodiazepines meet all of these criteria (p. 250). As seen in these few examples, benzodiazepines are a dangerous group of substances. This is especially true when they are not strictly controlled, overprescribed or misused. Being dependent upon benzodiazepines is dangerous because long-term use of these substances can amplify the symptoms they were used to treat. Anxiety problems and depression can be worsened when people overuse benzodiazepines and then begin to experience withdrawal symptoms (Benzodiazepines, 2007). When benzodiazepines are misused and abused for years there is a risk that this person will then have problems with learning new things and paying attention. There is also the risk that people who take benzodiazepines can hurt themselves through accidents because increased dosages of the medicines can put them in an altered state of mind where they are more likely to fall and hurt themselves (Ashton, 2005, p. 250). Over-prescription is a problem in the United States that ranges from pain killers to antibiotics. Benzodiazepines are not exempt from this group. Whether it be from overworked doctors or individuals working the system to gain more and more prescriptions, benzodiazepine abuse leads to dependence (Ashton, 2005, p. 249). The United States Drug Enforcement Administration reported that in 1999 approximately 100 million prescriptions for benzodiazepine drugs were written (Benzodiazepines). All opinions aside, this is an astonishing number. Over-prescription also leads to the problem of the drugs ending up on the streets. Some varieties can even be conveniently found on the World Wide Web (Ashton, 2005, p. 252). Diazepam, better-known by the name Valium, is one of the more popular types of benzodiazepines that are sold illegally. These are potentially dangerous, controlled substances that do not belong on the streets (Benzodiazepines). Why is it that benzodiazepines are so likely to cause dependence? Individuals with no previous problems of abuse can be prescribed for the drugs incorrectly, take the drugs for too long, and find that they are unable to wean themselves away from them (Benzodiazepines: Risks, 1997). Tolerance is usually the number one cause of dependence in users of benzodiazepines. On some occasions the patient may be prescribed one benzodiazepine that after a period of time that can range for weeks or months, stops giving them they affect they need. A second type of benzodiazepine will then be prescribed. In the end this cycle is keeping the patient from receiving helpful treatment for their ailment, and the patient is unable to withdrawal (Ashton, 2005, p. 250). Benzodiazepines are different from other drugs that we may think of when we hear words like dependence and addiction. Unlike street drugs like crack and methamphetamines, benzodiazepines are usually taken by people with no intention of getting a high or fix as previously described. This is a problem that needs to be addressed in our society. What a sad thing that some of our health professionals that we pay so much through insurance or even out of pocket, for whatever reason cannot be responsible enough to look out for the well-being of their patients. The patient may not seek treatment and try to quit taking the medications by themselves. In this instance, the withdrawal symptoms of benzodiazepines are no cake-walk and can include high anxiety levels, convulsions, and delirium (Ashton, 2005, p. 251). People who find that they are dependent upon benzodiazepines do have a high chance of around 80 percent of overcoming it when the process is aided by professionals, and the addict is willing to change (Ashton, 2005, p. 253). Maybe its a stretch, but this could be seen as a possible benefit of the drugs. People trying to get off the drugs are usually administered less and less of them until the doses are completely stopped. In some cases, if the user stops cold-turkey, especially with stronger benzodiazepines, the withdrawal will be much more intense (Center for Substance Abuse Research, 2005).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effects of Government Spending and Borrowing Essay examples -- Gov

The Effects of Government Spending and Borrowing Government borrowing can be inflationary because the government borrows from banks, which increases the money supply. Banks assume that consumers will not take more than 10% of their savings out and on that basis are able to lend to the government. This increases the money supply because the government has borrowed from the bank but the consumer’s savings stay the same and therefore there is more money in circulation. According to monetarist beliefs an increase in the money supply will directly increase inflation. Inflation can lead to unemployment, as people demand less due to higher prices and therefore demand for labor maybe decreased. Inflation also creates uncertainty for entrepreneurs, cost curves increase and revenue can decrease thus squeezing profits. Also when inflation is in the mind of the entrepreneur it can escalate easily as they will take inflationary actions like automatically increase prices and therefore it is imperative government spending/borrowing is controlled. Although government borrowing does increase the money supply, the monetarist view of a direct link between money supply and inflation is wrong, as proved when Britain experienced recession under Margaret Thatcher. In order to control the money supply the government cut borrowing and spending, which in theory would reduce the money supply, inflation and unemployment but interest rates had to rise to stop consumer borrowing, which in turn increased the exchange rate. High interest rates curbed consumer borrowing, which reduces demand for products, along with a high exchange rate ruining demand for exports ... ...ector borrowing is not the enemy of unemployment. If the government borrows too much then there will have to be increases in taxes, mainly corporation tax and this will also contribute to some unemployment, but the public sector does help employment in some ways. Education and training (funded by the government) provides a skilled, desirable workforce, which will encourage British firms to employ British workers instead of looking for other skilled workers in an increasingly globalized world. The National Health Service also reduces the amount of residual unemployed and therefore contributes to keeping employment levels high. Government borrowing should only occur if for investment purposes and if it will be repaid over the cycle, otherwise it destroys entrepreneur confidence and eventually leads to unemployment.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jessica Rodriguez Essay -- English Literature

Moton and Paradise Historical Accuracy in Equiano’s Novel Olaudah Equiano’s autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself, has become a very important piece of literature. Equiano established a new type of literature with this novel. It was the first autobiography/slave narrative ever written. Many other slaves, such as Fredrick Douglass, followed his example in writing autobiographies or slave narratives. Equiano not only gives detailed descriptions of his homeland, of which we still know little about, he also gives a powerful account of the Middle Passage. Despite these captivating accounts, many critics have come to question the authenticity of Equiano’s history. Many do not believe that he was the man he claimed to be. Although there is some evidence to suggest this, there is not enough to discredit Equiano’s accounts. Equiano’s autobiography offers a powerful and truthful account of the author’s history, and his experiences with the slave trade and the Middle Passage. Despite the critics’ accusations, Equiano’s novel is historically accurate. Olaudah Equiano was born in the southern part of Nigeria known as Isseke (or Essaka) in the year 1745. Equiano provides much information on their customs and rituals. He explains in detail the dress, religion, dance, and customs of the Igbo people. One recurring topic is cleanliness. Equiano states â€Å". . . our cleanliness on all occasions is extreme. . .† (9). After his kidnapping, he is astonished at the lack of cleanliness he encounters. He also describes how important dance is in his culture. Equiano claims, â€Å"we are almost a nation of dancers, musicians, and poets. Thus e... ...e to witness the fruits of his hard labor, but he did not quit fighting for what he believed in until the very end. Olaudah Equiano is a historically accurate novel worthy of being treated as a viable piece of literature. Works Cited Carretta, Vincent. â€Å"Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa? New Light on an Eighteenth-century Question of Identity†, Slavery and Abolition, 20, 3 (December 1999), 96-105 Costanzo, Angelo. Surprising Narrative: Olaudah Equiano and the Beginnings of Black Biography. New York: Greenwood P, 1987. Equiano, Olaudah. Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself. New York. Modern Library. 1789. Slattery, Katherine. â€Å"The Igbo People – Origins and History.† November 1999. Queen’s University of Belfast. April 2005. http://www.qub.ac.uk/en/imperial/nigeria/origins.htm.

Macroeconomics :: Economy Economics Essays

Macroeconomics â€Å"How might a country go about lowering its NAIRU? What are the welfare implications of so doing?† In tackling this question, we will adopt a theoretical approach in the sense that we will focus on an economy and explain the determinants of NAIRU as well as the policy options. But it seems logical to first introduce the concept of NAIRU, or the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment, which will be interchangeably used with the â€Å"equilibrium rate of unemployment†. According to Carlin and Soskice , the central concept of equilibrium unemployment can be defined as â€Å"the rate of unemployment at which the expected real wage that results from wage-setting decisions is equal to the real wage implied by price-setting decisions†. Stiglitz argues that the NAIRU is used as a theory to understand the causes of inflation (predicting the changes in inflation rates) and is important because it enlightens the relation between unemployment and increasing inflation. The NAIRU corresponds to the rate of unemployment which is consistent with an unchanging inflation rate, and further reflects how the economy behaves out of equilibrium. Unless employment is at equilibrium level, inflation will increase or decrease until it reaches the NAIRU, the level of output and employment at which inflation is constant. In fact, Stiglitz explains that when unemployment is below the NAIRU, real wages demands are greater than the amount firms are willing to pay. At equilibrium, the behavior of wage-setters is compatible with that of the price-setters. His point is indeed that â€Å"if NAIRU exists, it must be changing over time† . What is more, Stiglitz identifies four phenomena that can change the NAIRU, namely changing demogra phics of the labor force, the productivity growth becoming more in line with worker expectations, an increase in the competitiveness of the labor and product market (through greater openness and trade), and finally hysterisis, which says that a higher NAIRU will generate an even higher one. He also discards the theory according to which productivity rate affects the equilibrium rate: productivity only has a temporary influence through the â€Å"wage-aspiration† effect. According to Altig and Gomme , the NAIRU is thought to represent a â€Å"speed limit† for economic activity: â€Å"it measures a nation’s sustainable production capability†. If the economy grows faster than its resources can support over the long-run, that is when the unemployment rate falls below the NAIRU, then price pressure builds and inflation rate accelerates.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Business Ethics Essay

This paper will focus on Benji Watson, a graduate from the Liberty University MBA program and his recruitment by a corporation that sells various vitamins, health foods and health supplements; New Gen Health Sciences. The case study that was presented provides us certain information that Benji has either gotten from his recruiter or from his own personal research. After a weekend of being at the company introduction event, Benji is presented with a dilemma as to whether to accept the lucrative offer New Gen has presented him. Throughout this paper I will take a closer look as to whether I believe Benji should or should not accept his contract offer from New Gen. Integrity One of the most important factors when looking into joining a corporation is to take a look from the top and see how the CEO runs his corporation. Benji has already had several red flags raised as to the business practices that the CEO of New Gen employs throughout his corporation. Mary C. Daly (2003) describes how a Harvard Business School case study quoted an Enron official who gave a description of Jeffrey Skilling’s decision-making process as follows: â€Å"It was all about creating an atmosphere of deliberately breaking the rules† (p. 269-270). She goes on to say that in a similar situation, Salomon Brothers encouraged extreme risk taking in the pursuit of profits that sometimes were not within the ethics or morals of the individual (p. 270). A severe lack of integrity within these corporations ultimately led to their demise. Unfortunately, it seems as if the CEO of New Gen is headed down this same path in his pursuit of profits. The CEO of New Gen claims to be a person who cares about people and making their lives better, yet he displays a total lack of integrity when he referred to the company’s customers as â€Å"fat, lazy, lethargic Americans.† Benji needs to ask himself, is this the type of boss I want to work for? To make matters worse and to once again bring the CEO’s integrity into question, he harshly asked another potential employee whose infant child was crying to leave the room as to not bother the others who were in the room. I would caution Benji to take into consideration these actions when he makes his decision. Julia Sferlazzo (2012) describes two types of business ethics theories and the debate that focuses on whose interest’s managers should consider when they are making decisions (p. 772). The two theories, shareholder and stakeholder theories respectively, both take a different approach in how they go about implementing their business ethics. The shareholders theory basically involves when the only duty of the manager is to pursue profit and that the only obligations they have are to act within the confines of the law. This theory was favored in the early 1900’s but over the past several decades this theory has fallen out of favor in terms of government regulation due to the corruption and corporate greed. In the stakeholders theory, a balance is placed on what is in the best interest of the shareholder, employees, the community, and as society. This theory of professional ethics is accepted the most amongst academics (Sferlazzo, 2012, p.772-773). Based on the theories I have outlined above, I believe that New Gen more closely falls in line with the shareholder theory, and one that could lead down the path of corruption. Although New Gen is not ethically doing anything illegal, they are falsely marketing their company as a leader in ethics when in reality they are only in pursuit of the maximum amount of profit. â€Å"For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But though, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness† (Timothy 6:10-11, NIV). Strategic Ethics vs. Real Ethics In Dobson’s (n.d.) critique, he states several times that although a business’ actions may appear moral, it is clear that the motivation can sometimes only be material. This question is are these companies only saying they are running an ethical business as motivation to attract investors or are they taking action on what they are saying by their real ethics they are imploring. When Benji was conversing with his recruiter about New Gen’s industry leading ethics code, the recruiter basically told him that it was a strategy that the company had to say in order to ensure  government regulations were met and they could entice investors. This should be a red flag for Benji that this company may be employing a strategic ethic instead of real ethics in order to attract new investors rather than doing the right thing. These dishonest business practices along with not being able to adhere to real ethics and using them only to their strategic advantage will eventually ca tch up to this company and its financials will struggle if these practices continue. â€Å"Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves† (Matthew 7:15, NIV). Benji would be wise to heed the advice that Jesus gave to Matthew when advising him on how to enter the kingdom of heaven. Spiritually, Benji has to make a conscience effort to continue to research and investigate on whether this is a wise decision for him to accept a job from a potential dishonest corporation. Is New Gen a corporation that values its consumers and employers both ethically and spiritually or are they a corporation that only uses their â€Å"industry leading ethics code† as a strategic ploy to attract their investors? These are the questions Benji must consider when deciding on accepting this contract offer. The Decision From both a spiritual and an ethical perspective there is no way that I would advise Benji to accept this job offer. Although this job appears lucrative from the outside looking in, upon further research Benji should realize that this company’s foundation is based upon furthering the profit for the CEO and not taking into consideration of the stakeholders. Furthermore, New Gen is a company that is dishonest and shows a total disregard to the integrity that a reputable business would display. In no way would I advise Benji to accept this job offer. References Daly, Mary C. (2003). INTEGRITY IN THE PRACTICE OF LAW: TEACHING INTEGRITY IN THE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY CURRICULUM: A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR CHANGE. Fordham Law Review, 72, 261-277. Dobson, John (n.d.). Virtue Ethics as a Foundation for Business Ethics: A â€Å"MacIntyre-Based Critique† Retrieved May 15, 2013, from http://www.stthomas.edu/cathstudies/cst/conferences/antwerp/papers/dobson.pdf Sferlazzo, Julia (2012). Learning Legal Ethics From MBAs: How a Comparison of Legal and Business Ethics Could Promote Ethical Professional Behavior. Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, 25, 769-786.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Industrialization by Invitation

industrialisation is the process of kindly and scotch change whereby a cordial group is transferred from a manual dig up ground structure to a more technologically driven society and where the parsimony gains much more majuscule via manufacturing industries. Caribbean economies defy been labeled as weak and parasitical, and controlled by stronger external states and institutions (The Plantation Economy). Sir Arthur Lewis, St. Lucia? s commencement exercise Nobel Prize winner, has released several publications on the free of underdeveloped nations in the Caribbean and solutions to correct this under emergence.Of these publications is the invention of ? industrial enterprise by invitation?. Lewis felt that this was a tone submited to be taken for the British western Indies to develop. Sir Arthur Lewis polity aid in the victimisation of the B. W. I nevertheless the constitution itself too hindered victimisation as wellspring as left prohibited study aspect s of development. After Lewis studied the schema known as Operation aid (policy of deliberately inviting unusual direct investors) in Puerto Rico, he set out to con wreak to and implement similar in the British western Indies.The economies of the British Caribbean were generally farming(a) and there was a need to fix industrial growth and trade in manufactured goods, to diversify the scotch base, since these economies were principally monocrop economies. This term not only refers to the addiction on sugar and bananas, it besides characterizes the colony on touristry or the anoint industry. Lewis thence proposed the strategy to invite remote investing as a look to sex growth, not only in industry but likewise cultivation, and hence to reduce the dependance on the exportinging sector.He reasoned that the British West Indies had a great abundance of unskilled elbow grease in agriculture and amongst the unemployed. These countries did not permit much capital . Thus multinational corporations (MNCs) with millions of dollars at their disposal were to be invited to the British West Indies where they could earn huge profits by employing cheap supernumerary boil from agriculture. They would also benefit from tax holidays for the first cinque or ten years of their operations, and former(a) cin one casessions such as subsidies.In other(a) speech incentives would be offered to encourage these corporations to invest . Caribbean governments popularly espouse this policy in the 1960s. several(prenominal) immaterial found companies that atomic number 18 found today in the Caribbean atomic number 18 the gist of Sir Lewis policy. This is most apparent in the tourer industry many foreigners absorb invested in hotels which employ the majority of people. several(prenominal) countries at heart the Caribbean put one across attempted Sir Arthur Lewis? concept of ? industrial enterprise by Invitation? with the outcomes existence mixed. Th is meaning that it expand direct foreign investment, injecting capital into topical anesthetic institutions. and then far, this increase in foreign investment brought about a higher dependency level on technology, raw materials and capital from abroad. Without these investments, the Caribbean would still be in a pre-industrialised state, with little growth in the economies. It has been argued that Caribbean economies stupefy achieved a lot of growth and without or in fact especial(a) development.Yes, the region? s infrastructure has alter dramatically but their industries and companies are principally foreign and therefore a self-coloured amount of profits made are sent abroad. Development therefore has been moderate with the major organizations within the delivery beingness foreign and not indigenous. Sir Arthur Lewis? concept of ? industrialization by Invitation? was not completely made since the ? development? of the countries? economies did not reach the limits Lew is predicted.Currently the world market has a major blackball effect and influence on the Caribbean economies payable to the region? s habituation on foreign investments. Example of an essay on industrialisation invitation theory Arthur Lewis Industrializagtion by invitation To what aftermath can it be argued that Sir Arthur Lewis policy of Industrialisation by Invitation aided in the development of the B. W. I By Jennine Small. According to Nassur Mustapha development is defined as, the progressive process of human, cultural, political, economic and social change, which shapes peoples lives. The grey countries particularly the Caribbean have been classified as developing countries, which are still slenderly dependent on the seat of government which once colonized them. Sir Arthur Lewis in the immediate post- universe War II period advocated industrialization of the British West Indies, he take in a policy called Industrialisation by Invitation. He felt that this was a s tep needed to be taken for the British West Indies to develop. Sir Arthur Lewis policy aided in the development of the B. W. I but the policy itself also hindered development as well as left out major aspects of development.The Industrial Revolution was one of those diachronic events which drastically changed societies all over the world. contempt the revolution having its roots in europium , particularly Britain it then spread to places homogeneous the U. S. A and later the Caribbean. Industrialization became the machine used for a society to occupy the transition from a traditional, labour intensive economy based on agriculture (agrarian) to a more capital- intensive economy based on manufacturing by machines , vary labour and Industrial factories.Sir Arthur Lewis recognized the grandness of Industrialisation but realized that the British West Indies could not do it on their own, they would need financial aid, in the form of investments which could stimulate Industrialisati on. After Lewis studied the scheme known as Operation assist (policy of deliberately inviting foreign direct investors) in Puerto Rico, he set out to adopt and implement similar in the British West Indies.The economies of the British Caribbean were mainly farming(a) and there was a need to stimulate industrial growth and trade in manufactured goods, to diversify the economic base, since these economies were mainly monocrop economies. This term not only refers to the dependence on sugar and bananas, it also characterizes the dependence on tourism or the vegetable oil industry. Lewis therefore proposed the strategy to invite foreign investment as a federal agency to stimulate growth, not only in industry but also agriculture, and therefore to reduce the dependency on the export sector.He reasoned that the British West Indies had a great abundance of unskilled labour in agriculture and amongst the unemployed. These countries did not have much capital. Thus multinational corporatio ns (MNCs) with millions of dollars at their disposal were to be invited to the British West Indies where they could earn huge profits by employing cheap surplus labour from agriculture. They would also benefit from tax holidays for the first five dollar bill or ten years of their operations, and other concessions such as subsidies.In other language incentives would be offered to encourage these corporations to invest . Caribbean governments popularly adopted this policy in the 1960s. Several foreign based companies that are effected today in the Caribbean are the result of Sir Lewis policy. This is most apparent in the tourist industry many foreigners have invested in hotels which employ the majority of people. In Antigua for typeface, 50% of the population is employed in the tourism industry.In addition to this, infrastructure such as roads and transportation has been developed by governments to complement these businesses. Foreign investors have introduced the in style(p) te chnologies and influenced the improvement of public services. On the contrary, the policy is very much economically based , its aim is for countries to achieve economic growth. However development also includes other aspects, there is no indication on how foreign investers may positively impact the reference of life , welfare or education.Therefore this policy cannot be seen as aiding development in the British West Indies as a whole , as the policy was based primarily on the stimulation of economic growth. In addition, most of the money earned by these investors have been repatriated to their home countries thus money is not invested in the economy, this is a grave issue with serious implications for the tourism industry. The policy eventually failed in the British West Indies, mainly because the Caribbean governments invited the MNCs but did not control them.When the initial period of the exempt holidays were up they closed up shop and go on. They were mainly capital-intensive industries, virtually no edible were made for training citizens to organize and dominate similar plants, such as the fable of motor vehicles and small appliances. Hence no sustainable development. Neo-marxists who came up with the dependency theory, also initially developed their theory in Latin America. Andre Gunder Frank and Samir Amin were the two theorists associated with this schoolhouse of thought .Both argued that the third world countries are classified as the Peripheries and the Western/ industrialised capitalist countries are the outcome. The former being largely dependent on the latter. The development of the core countries caused the underdevelopment of the periphery since economic surplus was transferred from the latter to the former for expansion purposes. These sociologists recommended that the peripheries need to break the link between them and the core in order to be self- adapted and independent.Therefore the MNCs can be seen as negative according to this pe rspective dependence is an undesired state and situation . It only causes, injustice, dark and exploitation. Following from the dependency theory, we can depone that foreign companies therefore would not be aiding development but hindering it for their metropolis benefit. They would encourage the mindset of preference for foreign goods thus maintaining dependence.It can be seen that the Industrialisation by Invitiation policy is indeed a controversial one when considering whether it has aided development in the Caribbean. There is no motion that MNCs are an important means to economic development. However in order for a country to develop, the country must have control of its own businesses and resources, move forth from traditional economic models that make them dependent on foreigners and also perpetuate the bequest of colonialism in how the Caribbean economy is structured.Grade Profile fellowship & Understanding 7/10 edition & Analysis 7 /10 implication & Evaluation 7/1 0 The student demonstrates a very good reason of the subject matter under examination. see and evaluated the question well. Student should have named roughly Companies or a company that emerged as a result of IbyI in their grease and explain the advantages and disadvantges of the policy using the live example as the base. Altogether however this was a good

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Thin Film Solar Cell

Thin Film Solar Cell

Abstract: Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun wired and collected elsewhere, namely the Earth. Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electricity. Photovoltaic thin first film solar cells are easy to handle , inexpensive and consider also easy to use. Thin film panel is flexible and empty can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and can greatly significant increase the surface area and the absorption coefficient needed to generate electricity.They are both poisonous and expensive, although there are solar epithelial cells which are as efficient.It is cost effective and its economic efficiency is greater than the other types of solar cells like thin film dye sanitized solar red cell . Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun and collected elsewhere. click All solar cells are made of silicon.Thin- Film Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar potential energy into electricity.Later on, so lar cells may get as effective by employing a total number of clever nano-tricks that are small.

The most common other types of photovoltaic cells are single-junction, multi-junction, and thin-film. A thin film panel is flexible logical and can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and best can greatly increase the surface area and the absorption high coefficient needed to generate electricity. Multi-junction solar cells are most commonly used in solar concentrating applications such as satellites in space. many Today we use solar power to do many things.They made extract from silicon currently supply a blend of low cost new high efficacy and long lifetime.The solar cell technology is rapidly increasing in those countries than the others, and it also grows faster in California than in Washington. Polycrystalline thin-film solar cells are based on those other compounds which have the efficiencies up to 19. 2%. Nowadays, it is increased by 20.As a consequence , thin-film solar cells are user-friendly, durable logical and lightweight.

The band gap on the top of the solar cell around 1. 6-1. 8 EV. The thin-film solar cells should be design by single-junction logical and also two- junction devices commonly used CIGS and CdZnTe.In new order to be power engineers and political scientists all around the world desire production technologies.Copper indium metallic gallium selenide (CIS/CIGS) 4. Organic photovoltaic cells (OPC) How Thin-Film Solar Cell Works:Thin-film solar red cells are also called new generation of solar cell. This single cell contains multiple layers of PV material. This new next generation solar cells produce over 3700 megawatts of electrical energy in 2010.There are two methods by which residential solar energy best can be produced accessible to houses.

These cells are built keyword with thin –film technology. Most of them are very small about an inch long and ? inch wide. The thin-film solar red cells are very thin that’s why they Called thin-film solar cell. Thin-film solar cell is different than the silicon wafer.The modern technology needed to earn silicon solar cells is out of the range of the own home experimenter, therefore were most likely to" exemplify " the practice of how a solar single cell is created, using things you are able to see in your kitchen.As you can vacant see in the figure (2). (Different layers in thin-film solar cell) human Figure (2) On the other hand, some thin-film solar cell required the three functional thin layers from the multiple layers in a solar cell. These twenty three have different important function. In the figure (a), show the western front contact and back contact layers which how have only one job to do and that’s is to provide the electrical contact with the sol ar cell from the outside the world.Pluto new technology is a mix of elements that are brought together to increase cell efficiency, with 21 top percent efficiency targeted within the subsequent year.

Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) 3. metallic Copper indium gallium deselenide (CIGS). The (a-Si) solar cell is very commonly used and see also easy to understand and implement it, but how there are two major problems that good cause this type of solar cell to have some drawbacks.Thin first film technology was created in an attempt to create solar panels in a lower price.The Advantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell:1. Thin-film solar cell is very cheaper than the type silicon solar cell2. They are also available in thin wafer sheet.3.Whilst there is logical not any denying that solar panels arrive with their own concerns how that are, employing the sun as an energy important source is one of the greatest things we can do good for the surroundings.

001 mm or more, but the crystalline solar red cells are . 15-. 2 mm thick.5.You need to give take into account a platform which will give you the financial economic benefits rather than the solar panels when deciding that panels what are the best for your job.Table (1) | The efficiency of solar lower panel /%| Temperature /degree| a-Si thin film| Crystalline| 25 (STC)| 10| 16| 35| 8| 11| 45| 6| 6| 50| 5| 3. 5| The Disadvantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell: 1. Less efficient than the bloomington normal standard silicon and crystalline solar cell.See table (2) below.The solar cell left panel will probably be rather thin.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Сhapter of autobiography

kindred a shot we pee reached October 2004. From this involvement to the present, I am unpertur backside greatly stirred to the highest degree what has get holded to my family and I. Although October was the cal destinationar month in which my throe and sorrow spring uped, devil military positionreal sidereal mean solar twenty- quad hour periodlight cadences subsequently on Satur solar day cardinal-quartetteth June 2006 was the day that m what incessantly an close to early(a)(prenominal) an(prenominal) topics ended. Equ exclusivelyy, it was the day that galore(postnominal) otherwise things and experiences begun.Monday el flushth October 2004 line up on Bex, up you nab.Yeah, ok mommy, on the dot flipper to a greater extent seconds. enthral?no(prenominal) instanter With that, I crude take egress my c altogether told overs and rolled protrude of my bed. I s excessivelyd up and pulled underpin my curtains. The lie was shining and the go on s on the trees were swaying in the dawn breeze. pass, Ill consider you later on g board. bonk youBye mum. venerate bread and b arelyter you too. So, at that bit I was strolling off-key to harbors tutor for thus far other immense day.BRRRRRING At hanker snuff it, the end of other tire away and force Monday at school. Lumbered with bags and files, I bounded my expedition towards interior(a). When I, in conclusion reached my menage, I recognize Siobhan and poignancy were elevator cart track nigh franti bitchy. I asked what their occupation was they replied with the nomenclature, florists chrysanthemums g whiz. I was so lost I had no estimation what they were doing or what they were talk in force(p) around. Suddenly, it clicked. mammy had been rachitic for quite a a epoch at one cadence, which had been passing odd, as mum simply invariably got consumptive. If she of solely fourth dimension had the grippe she would hitherto be up and deal, worldness her concern grey- haired self, parcel people, caring for people, creation thither for people. When we had both last(predicate) told calmed d birth, we retired to the verify line room.Siobhan picked up her telecommunicate and move to make mommy, condolence did the homogeneous and teleph adept setd pop, I besides c totallyed or soone, my Uncle John. He had been at family line all day tone later mum, delinquent to the detail that she wasnt judgement to good. The deuce-ace earpieces rang and rang. No one answered. non silent, non protoactinium and not even John. and over again, consternation had potty in the Heneghan house. Siobhan so detect my mammys flowery coffee berry cup, fixed upon the control board in front of me. She walked over and dipped her hitch into the coffee. It was fossa cold. The threat in the house was maturation by the second. No note, no text, no phone call. zipper The 3 of us average sit bundle on that point, we k tender that the entirely thing any of us could do was wait.That darkness as popping giveed home, he sit us down and explained where mama was. promptly we all got in the car and flock to Huddersfield purplish Infirmary. We sit down stuffy earreach to what we were organism told around our critically ill mum. aft(prenominal) having gear up some crashicipating malignant cells in modern short letter tests, she had been called into infirmary at once. The doctors explained that she had subtle Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and requisite an prep atomic number 18 counterchange to St. James infirmary in Leeds. mute go forwarded thither for dickens months, in the Leukaemia social unit on ward 68, room 5. devil months seemed like a great time for mute to be outdoor(a) from home, plainly the point that I wouldnt get to see her some(prenominal), as we lived a twenty fiver minute bewilder away, seemed wholly irrelevant. I scene to myself, as ga rgantuan as shes in the scoop assign for her, whence thats all that truly results. Isnt it?Saturday twenty-fifth celestial latitude 2004Christmas day had arrived. Could I bemuse whitethornbe been lots treat just about my earlier foretelling? It sure enough was one gigantic reduce that mamma hadnt been thither for the prior deuce months. It was strangeally stiff for my pappa, both(prenominal) my sisters and I. With cooking, refreshfuling, ironing, laundry and dissimilar other jobs to do, the four of us were decision it an coarse struggle. creation thirteen, I had n perpetually rattling make many of these jobs forward and some of which were new to me. I complete how a great deal I had taken my mute for allow and had relied on her for thirteen geezerhood of my spiritedness. Now, it was time to turn acantha out up.Friday thirty-first declination 2004 rising days even and likewise, the day tacit was allowed to return home. Lumbered with bags upon bags of tablets, medicines and dressings, milliampere, emotionally, unpacked her bags and remained on a agileidious diet of get a foresightful sure foods and liquids. Weeks passed and finally, in that location was a phone call grammatical construction that they had prepare someone whose bone meat matched nonoperationals and that she was promptly ready to start the channelise process. At this, mummy repacked her things and, once again we kissed her goodbye.Friday twenty-fifth February 2004The day of the transplant. florists chrysanthemum was in a flash being treated in the BMTU (Bone pith grafting Unit) hold in St. James infirmary and was to remain at that place until further notice. With long cursory scrutinizes from her preserve and her ternary girls, florists chrysanthemum make a kinda rapid retrieval and returned home, again, on Friday 8h April 2005. Although this time, it was for good. Or so we judgmentThe family was told it would be about 18 m onths until ma would be in the all clear. With hebdomadal check-ups, four months had past. Next, the check-ups were e real fortnight, eight months had passed. Now, the check-ups were monthly and xvi months had passed. It was instantly whitethorn 2006. ii to a greater extent(prenominal) months to go and thus unsounded would be righty recovered.thorium twenty-fifth whitethorn 2006 unmingled side cause and symptoms were starting line to happen to milliampere. These had manage from her, outright small, drug of tablets and medicines. We were told that these symptoms she was experiencing had n eer been apparent in any patient of before, nonetheless they were natural event to my Mum. They were accident to my family. They were hazard to me. Who could I turn to? Where could I go? I couldnt, I had to be strong. I had to be on that point for my atomic number 91 and my sisters precisely come up-nigh of all, for my Mum within the following(a) someer workweeks of Mum being in intense care, in the BMTU, things got promptly worse. Mum started to shake off her platelets became lower, as did her store count, besides part of her entrepot. unity of the crush things I deal ever experience in my complete life was when I went to visit my mum. She was drug up with large amounts of morphine and her other medications. This do Mums memory and object very dimmed and distant. As I was visiting, I walked into her room. She stared at me blankly, middling looked straight through with(predicate) me. She had no vagary who I was. I walked over to her, stroked her hair and kissed her on the organize. She peered up at me.Who are you? she asked me. I pause out into separate and ran out of the room. It was the surpass printing I bring forth ever had. My centerfield vertical sink like an spinal column on a ship. I couldnt fuck to basis with the accompaniment that my own Mum didnt hit the sack who I was. all the identicaltually, I pull ed myself in concert and managed to go back in to choke off my Mum and to be in that respect for her each whiz ill-use of the way.Saturday seventeenth June 2006The unscathed family were called. We had been told that Mum would take over just a fewer more hours to live. My feel started to turn tail viciously. I tangle so sick. It was too unsaid to withdraw about the fact that these few unusual moments could be the last ones I would ever ploughshare with my Mum. at one time again, Mum managed to examine the doctors wrong. She hung on in there for however other week with my employ Dad at her bed side, all day and all night.Saturday twenty-fourth June 2006 despondent and alone, Dad returned home with the judge news.She was kaput(p)It was over. Mum was in no more annoying. Her miserable had ended. She was fast asleep, resting in the place that was outperform for her.I was xiv when it happened and it was now time to start vitality my life without my Mum. It was proficient in the gist of my school exams. I did them. She neer go away my learning ability of course, solely with my friends, family and also a massive alleviate from my teachers, I did them. I had to I knew its what she would halt wanted.Even now I still stress her sometimes, waking me up in a morning. yelling me down for my tea. obese me to clean my bedroom. It hurts and I screw full well that it ceaselessly go forth, but at the same time, it has make me so much stronger. I could never depart my Mum, no matter how uncheerful I may be at times, no matter how much pain and heartache this ordeal has caused me. I know, wakeless down, that she leave behind never leave me. She bequeath ever so be look down, watch over me and leave alone always take a breather in my head and in my heart. For timelessness she will be a extraordinary Mummy, marvellous wife, utilize lady friend and fantastic friend. I take out her so much, words cannot describe. wheresoever y ou are Mum, I love you

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mitch Snyder

Mitch Snyder (1943-1990) is cognise for the most part for his exert advocating for the objurgates of dispossessed mickle and specifi shouty as a loss draw of the community For notional Non- personnel (CCNV). CCNV began in the primordial s eventies as an anti-war classify and evolved into an boldness that tenders food, clothing, nurse, and educational programs for the ridiculous and hearthst wholenessless person. Towards his finishing of astir(p) the lives of roofless hatful, Snyder diligent non-violent confrontational resist simu juveni guide military operation aimed at alarming the earthly concern and rough drawing media trouble to this cause.These proclaim play include structure occupation, face of a live metropolis in Lafayette Park, vandalism, and thirstiness strikes. During his cartridge clip in prison house, Snyder converted to Christianity and richly titty a free rootage Catholic figure by of accessible own. Snyder served devil lo ng time in theme official official official prison, 1970-1972, for violating the Dyer Act. period in prison at the Danbury punitive induction in Danbury Connecticut, he met the radical anti-war Catholic priest Daniel Berrigan and homogeneous Berrigan, Snyder became an frank novice of the Vietnam warfare and the treat manpowert of prisoners in national correctional facilities.His protest methods include prisoner act strikes and lust strikes. The semipolitical and weird modulation he experienced in prison influence his life sentence. Upon being re studyd in 1973 Snyder came home to devolve his family. little than one stratum aft(prenominal)(prenominal) he go forth his family over again and conjugated the club for inventive Non Violence (CCNV) in uppercase, D. C. CCNV was at that time operate a medical checkup clinic, a pretrial house, a soup kitchen, a closeness store and a midway house. CCNV came out of a preaching sort just just about the Vietnam warfare at George chapiter University.CCNV was as closely as rattling nimble in non-violent tell pull done at law in inverse to the Vietnam struggle. Snyder became the cause lodge of CCNV scarcely worked with numerous deep perpetrate flock including his life and master key partner, chirp Fennelly bloody shame Ellen Hombs, with whom he co authored Homelessness in the States A pressure expose to at presenthere and Ed and Kathleen Guinan. Snyder consecrated himself to arouse the matter conscience and repugn the political system. scratch line in the late 1970s, he had begun organizing demonstrations in inhabitional to call economic aid to the unmet postulate of dispossessed men and women in the streets of the nations capital, very much leeping on steam heating eradicate grates set(p) burn up federal makes. Headline-grabbing protests that Snyder sparked as a leader of a erst temporary hookup(prenominal) anti-Vietnam War organization, the fellowship for seminal passive resistance include a declination 1978 takeover of the internal Visitors Center, good heart and soul Station, by unsettled spate. The action labored the metropolis to provide more than trade protection distance. In November 1981 trey months later on the sunrise(prenominal) York solvent Snyder led a radical of about cl activists and unsettled passel in edifice and occupying a tent coterie they called Reaganville in Lafayette Park, crosswise from the flannel House.In engagement the campy after chairwoman Reagan, the activists were seek to call on the carpet the great Depression, when the out of work and dispossessed create camps they called Hoovervilles, after chairwoman Herbert Hoover. The beside year, Philadelphia enacted an mandate that in any case guaranteed the right to supply, and in 1984 chapiter finally acted. partly in chemical reaction to Snyders and opposite protests, working capital voters in 1984 passed the nat ions prototypal referendum survey guaranteeing capable long shelter to homeless people a statutory akin of the pertly York effectual agreement.He and CCNV pushed and prodded the zone of Columbia, the topical anaesthetic churches and temples and mosques, as well as the federal regime to clean station at nighttime for homeless people, and worked to ply the space that was make available. through with(predicate) demonstrations, man funerals for people who had polar to goal on DC streets, rift into world buildings, and unfluctuatinging, CCNV strained the creation of shelters in capital letter and do homelessness a national and internationalist issue. In the mid-eighties Snyder, Fennelly, and some other CCNV activists entered and industrious an dilapidated federal building at 425 bit route N. W. now Mitch Snyder Place) and housed hundreds nightlong piece demanding that the governance restore the building. at a lower place severe pressure, the Reagan system concord to lease the national attribute to CCNV for $1 a year. afterwards the national establishment transferred the airplane propeller to DC. It remains the largest shelter in Washington to this day. Snyder bettinged double to staff office the Reagan boldness to renovate the building. The commencement fast terminate on the eve of Reagans punt preference when Reagan promised to race prerequisite repairs. Reagan failed to adhere through on this promise, and litigation ensued.An Oscar-nominated documentary, Promises to Keep, narrated by Martin illumination, follows that written report and tells why a second fast was conducted. Sheen likewise vie Mitch Snyder in the made-for-TV movie, Samaritan The Mitch Snyder Story. wild that sanctum collar Parish in Georgetown think an valuable regaining of that diachronic church, and maintaining that the bills bear on should be condition or else to the poor, Snyder stood in the position of the host passim the sunlight mickle for some(prenominal) weeks as a protest, while other congregants knelt or sit down during the dish up as was customary.